VC – Roto Engine
World’s 1st ever Fuel agnostic I.C. Engine
The option of replacing of fossil fuels
with alternative green fuels in engines is hardly being tapped. Considering the existing fuel infrastructure can enable green fuel logistics the propositions seem to be a natural course to be adopted. The supply of green fuels too can be made to match the demand; however, the difficulty lay in the limitation in I.C.Engine technologies to use these fuels.
Currently most innovations in this area are based on incremental improvements and design modifications of existing engines to suit desired fuel. This could be Bio-Fuel or LNG or Hydrogen. Dual fuel engines are now seeing spike in demand in Marine propulsion. Existing Diesel Engines are modified to use Biofuel: Petrol / Gas Engines are modified to use LPG: Similarly marine propulsion engines are being adapted for using LNG and Ammonia as fuel.
Other set of innovations
are those chasing the ‘Variable Compression Ratio’ (VCR) feature that allows use of multiple fuels. It’s about a century now since the research of VCR began with Sir Harry Ricardo’s attempts in 1920’s. Almost all global majors experimented with VCR and various models exist, however they remained test models.
These test models have validated the advantages of VCR and today it is an empirically established fact that VCR leads to, High fuel efficiency (up to 30% gains, Fuel flexibility, Downsizing, Lower Emissions etc. However, these models have remained commercially unviable and no company has yet developed a viable Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine. Conventional VCR engine designs have been limited by: being extremely cumbersome; attaining only reduced VCR with 2 compression ratios; being parasitic by draining power from the engine; and adding additional costs, weight and volume.
VCR is hence the holy grail of I.C. engine technologies.
In this scenario the industry is seeking
new break throughs and that is exactly what we offer.
We have developed VC – Roto Engine for Transport and Power sector applications. Unlike conventional engines which use piston-crank mechanism where VCR feature is nonviable, VC-Roto engines uses a novel kinematic mechanism (RVCR) where pistons revolve within a doughnut shaped chamber. The power transfer from burning fuel is direct and comparatively simple, light, eliminates reciprocating pistons, flyweight and crank, making engines up to 54% smaller. This innovative engine combines performance gains of rotary mechanism and high efficiency of VCR using a simplified Rotary Vane mechanism. Unique features of VC-Roto engines are, wide VCR range, Real-time and setting of optimum power-to economy ratio under varying loads, improving fuel efficiency and power allocation.
We bring you the VC-Roto Engine,
the World’s 1st ever Fuel agnostic I.C. Engine,
Benefits of VC-Roto. Engine
- Fuel Efficiency increase by uniform peak efficiency across load Range.
- Controlled Combustion & High Efficiency by Constant Volume Heat Addition.
- Multi-Fuel Capability Enabled through VCR feature.
- Emission control by Dynamic Peak Temperature control.
- Improved Mechanical Efficiency from Reduced Losses.
- Lower Maintenance due to reduced vibrations.
- Saving cost on material and weight by Down Sizing
- Reducing piston friction and wear and tear of liner due to side Thrust.
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+91 74030 08844
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GYATK RVCR Apparatus Pvt Ltd, India,
KGYAT Wind Power Ltd, United Kingdom