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Economic Scenario

$ 600 Billion Global Market

Market Scenario

Today Industry & Society is seeking concrete solution to the growing Global environmental concerns and the conventional technologies lack viability to address three main conflicting concerns :

  • Green House Emission v/s Cost viability of compliance to stricter regulations.
  • Marginal Efficiency Improvement v/s high cost of development.
  • In cycle Industry Investments in conventional technologies v/s New Technology Cost.
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The short falls

of Conventional Green Technologies
  • Segmented Technology solutions:
  • These technologies (Batteries; Biofuel Engines; clean fuel engines; Hybrids and Wind; Hydro-Kinematic, Solar Energy etc.) are either oversaturated due to decades of incremental development, or are premature, and the pressing demands of eco-friendliness, lower Carbon foot-print, Energy Efficiency, requires better product improvements.
  • All conventional technologies displace fossil fuel use and hence conflict with existing economic structures and its various stake-holders. Global economies depend on Fossil fuel value chain for modern way of life and reduction in Fossil-fuel demand directly affects significant section of Populace that resist such change.
  • The Levelized Cost of Energy from existing technology solutions compete with plummeting of Fuel prices caused by reduced fossil fuel usage (with active supply lines maintaining abundant supply from Fuel sources), thus rendering them unviable on a large scale.

VC - Roto Engine
Market Overview

The I.C. Engine Market is spread across numerous segments of various industries in the transport and Power sectors where Engines are used as prime-Movers to provide drive power to equipment, machines and products including Passenger Cars, SUV, HCV, LCV, long haul Trucks, Trailers, Tractor, rail, Agro-Machinery, Material Handling and Earth Moving equipment, ships, boats, ferries, power generator and standalone drives etc. hence engines are not final product rather accessory system of products. OEM’s of these products are at the top of this industry food chain.

The global engine market is a high-volume market estimated at over $300 billion globally. $185 billion in the passenger vehicle market alone, $51 billion in commercial vehicles, $24 billion in off-road, and $40 billion in other applications (such as marine, generators, lawnmowers, snowmobiles, ATVs, pumps, etc.). It is forecast that the market will grow to $600 billion.

The Opportunities available across the global Market for VC-Roto Engines is Immense. RVCR technology prime-mover would replace today’s existing Prime-movers based on conventional Kinematic Mechanism gain the Market share and shall alter these markets and its demands as the RVCR Prime-Mover not just make the conventional prime-movers obsolete but adds new features which addresses differing market needs by a single product. This can be extrapolated by features like Multi fuel-flexibility which caters to both petrol or diesel Engine segments.

Market Impact

Enabling a smooth transition

to greener ecosystem

  • Land Transport Segments
  • Light Passenger/Commercial
  • EV & PHEV Segment
  • Heavy Passenger/Commercial
  • Material Handling Equipment
  • Agro Machinery
  • Specialized Drive Segment
  • Power Generator Segment
  • Marine Propulsion + Auxiliaries
  • Aviation and Drones

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+91 74030 08844

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GYATK RVCR Apparatus Pvt Ltd, India,
KGYAT Wind Power Ltd, United Kingdom